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Policies & Templates
Purpose of Policies & Procedures
Organizations work best when there are consistent methods to handle various issues. Policies are used to establish the standard and expected approach to managing the hospital’s business. Policies must be approved by both the Administrative Committee and Board of Directors of the hospital.
Procedures are guidelines for how to carry-out of fulfill the policy. These are not “policies” but rather the method of how to apply the policy in the hospital setting. Procedures should be kept up to date.
These documents should be reviewed regularly to ensure that they are up to date with current technology, information flow, and able to meet the current needs of the hospital. Each hospital Administrative Committee should assign a “Policy Manager” to be in charge of the policy manual, ensuring that it is contextualized and appropriate for your setting. Any current policies in place should be reviewed and where needed, combined or integrated with the policy templates provided in this document.
Policy Templates
The following is a compilation of policies and procedures that have been developed as templates for hospitals to establish operating policies in the instances when there are none in place or they are in need of updating. In general the policies here are “best practices” and provide guidance of how these situations should be handled. However they should modified to fit the local context. Administrative judgment should be used carefully to maintain the controls necessary while adjusting the process to fit the local setting. It is suggested the “Policy Manager” contextualize these policies and procedure to fit the local situation. If there are management policies in place currently they should be reviewed and integrated or updated as needed.
NOTE: Patient care policies and procedures are not included here but should be in place following a similar format in compliance with the national standards and clinical quality expectations.
Download all templates in one document here.
How to Modify Templates
- Replace the [HOSPITAL NAME] or “hospital” with the appropriate name. (Click “replace” on the tool bar on the Editing menu, enter “[HOSPITAL NAME]”, replace it with your hospital name).
- Note places where there is a ______________ or yellow highlight and address those for your context.
- Carefully read through each policy and make wording changes to fit the local context. Or use these policies to update or modify the policies currently in place. (For instance B-2.6 has an amount for capital expenditures in US Dollars. This should be converted to a reasonable amount in local currency.)
- Bring policies to local ADCOM for approval (see policy F-2). Make any changes recommended by ADCOM and finalize the document.
- Note in the document the signature and date when it was approved.
Graphic Identity Guide
Our graphic identity system helps us define and distinguish our brand family. Through our logo, colors, typefaces, images and other visual elements, we communicate the connections that join us together and the qualities that set us apart.
Consistently and correctly applying our graphic identity is crucial to creating a unified and recognized corporate image. In view of that, our Administrative Committee have stipulated that these guidelines apply to:
- All entities, hospitals, clinic, healthcare systems, volunteer programs and services connected with Adventist Health International
- All promotional and/or informational applications — regardless of medium — used to represent all or part of the organization, whether internally or externally
Download AHI Graphic Identity Guide here.