This story is written by Malamulo Hospital CEO, Jason Blanchard, and showcases just a portion of the work that is being done through this hospital. After 100 years of service, Malamulo not only impacts the lives of those in need of medical treatment but also the lives of those struggling in the local communities
During the rainy season (Nov - Mar) all the crops in our region were flooded an most did not survive. Many families count 100% in these crops for food through the winter/dry season (May - Oct so far this year). Big Problem!
In February Larry Bangs brought a donation from the Sutherlin SDA Church in Oregon for maize seed. We were able to provide seed for 450 families. At the same time AmeriCares donated relief money and some of it went towards fertilizer for this crop.
However, maize takes 100 days to mature. As there has been no rain to speak of since May, there has been little to grow, plant or eat for many.
On to the scene came a donation for hundred fifty bags of maize for flour as well as rice from our favorite cardiologist - Tiffany Priester's father Gary under a project we called "Project Joseph". Over the last several months we have been able to give rations of it to many families and we still have some to give.
A few weeks ago the Sutherlin SDA Church again gave towards seed maize and we had 1754kg's delivered yesterday to help almost 900 families replant for the rainy season coming.
Today at Malamulo Hospital: Three people from a nearby village were brought into my office. They had 3 bags of freshly picked maize. It had been 100 days and this was the first fruits of the original donation! They said it was a "Thank You" for helping them over this difficult year.
This maize was in turn given to hospital guardians (members of our patients families who provide for them while in the hospital) to feed their sick family members in Malamulo Hospital.
...and the circle is complete...
Happy Sabbath and keep us in your prayers as many still are going hungry in Malawi.